Movies At A Glance
See a movie. Love a movie? Rate a movie. Movies At A Glance by REELZCHANNEL shows ratings from movie fans directly compared to ratings from top critics, letting you decide whose movie review gets you to watch.
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BE INFORMED- Find out what movies are opening this week in theaters near you and get showtimes to plan a movie night. Find out what movies are on TV ten minutes from now or a week from now and what channels they’re on. Find out what’s on DVD so you can rent with confidence.
JOIN IN- Give your own ratings to more than 100,000 movies in the REELZCHANNEL vault from a stinker 1 to a stunner 10. Also check out what top movie experts including Richard Roeper and Leonard Maltin are saying about the movies you’re rating.
SEE TRAILERS- Watch high quality trailers for thousands of movies before you buy that movie ticket or add to your Netflix queue.